Friday, March 27, 2009

Yeah! It's Finally Friday!


This has been a very great week! I cannot believe how fast it has flown by.

Dear hubby turned 27 on Thursday. It was nice. He actually was HOME for a birthday and not out to sea. I can only think of one birthday out of the last six that he was home...and the result of that birthday was dear son.

So, last night was uneventful. Hubby said "No more 18 year presents"...

The store has been busy, busy, busy. It is very exciting to talk with so many customers. They seem just as excited as I am about the new Anna Maria patterns that were released this week. I cannot decide which is my favorite. But, based on the feedback I have receceived, I can see which one you like the most!

I have ordered a second batch, so don't you worry, I won't run out.

Also, I have come across some wonderful blogs. These blogs are so much more interesting than mine. Partly because they seem to have much more exciting things to blog about-you should check them out. I have added them to my list.

My current favorite it this one here:

There are some wonderful ideas on her blog.

I would post pictures, but I don't want to get into just click on over there and check out what this woman does with what most of us throw away when we are sewing and quilting!

She is very resourceful and environmentally friendly....speaking of which, I came across another Etsy seller who has the coolest stuff in her shop. I am going to give you a link to that too, because well I think she is a smart cookie! If I had the money, I would buy every item in that store. Too cool.

I believe that next week will be awesome too...this will be our first real opportunity to go on an Easter egg hunt with dear son. Chris has never been home to really do that, or Andrew was never cooperative enough to try to venture out on my own to something like that. We have one that the homeschool group will be sponsoring, which I am super excited to go to. I will get to meet other moms in my area and make some new friends. There is one that the Navy base will be sponsoring. That one will be nice because Chris can go with us. The admission is great-we have to donated canned goods in order to participate. I think that is a great way to support a local charity.

So, until next week! Have a great weekend.

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